The Media

The Media

ABOVE: Greta Van Susteren conducts Mr. Graham’s final interview, in 2010. Making use of the media to extend the outreach of his message was a priority for Mr. Graham. 


Whether in one-on-one interviews or at press conferences attended by dozens of media representatives, Billy Graham never hesitated to witness for Jesus Christ. He was always ready to give an answer for the hope that was within him.

In Crusade cities, local media generously provided extensive coverage, and Mr. Graham peppered his sermons with illustrations drawn from current events in those locales. Whenever major newsworthy events interrupted ordinary news cycles, national media sought out Mr. Graham for his perspective. He obliged the best he could, knowing that these interviews could reach even more people with the Gospel—especially those nonbelievers who might never go to church.

On occasion, Mr. Graham saw firsthand the impact of these news and talk show appearances. While in Florida once for vacation, he was approached by a man who recognized him and said that he had come to faith in Christ while watching him on The Jack Paar Show. Then there was the time when a university student from Berkeley, Calif., attended a Crusade in Los Angeles and gave his heart to Jesus. Later he told Mr. Graham, “I became convinced that you had something I wanted when I saw you on Woody Allen’s show.”

Not only was Mr. Graham constantly preparing new Crusade messages, he also maintained a syndicated column, My Answer, carried by newspapers around the U.S. and internationally.

Hundreds of honors, awards and recognitions were bestowed on Mr. Graham. He appeared on the covers of Time, Life, Newsweek, People, Parade, U.S. News & World Report and other publications. He also was regularly listed by the Gallup organization as one of the “Ten Most Admired Men in the World,” making an unparalleled 61st appearance and 55th consecutive appearance in 2017.

Uncomfortable with being singled out, he once said: “Many people put me on a pedestal where I do not belong. … I am often amazed that God can use me at all.”


Magazine Coverage Through the Decades

Billy Graham’s worldwide acclaim drew the attention of major publications across many genres. Time, Newsweek and others told the story of the fiery preacher’s relentless proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 



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