Tucked away in my heart is a stirring conviction; I share it with you. When God-given, Heaven-sent revival does come, it will undo in weeks the damage that blasphemous modernism has taken years to build. By the gale of the Spirit, the deceptive doctors of divinity will see swept away “the house which they built upon the sand” of human interpretations of the Bible.
Tucked away in my heart is a stirring conviction; I share it with you. When God-given, Heaven-sent revival does come, it will undo in weeks the damage that blasphemous modernism has taken years to build. By the gale of the Spirit, the deceptive doctors of divinity will see swept away “the house which they built upon the sand” of human interpretations of the Bible.
The head of humanity is sick and the heart faint. Hell enlarges her mouth for the spoil which the filthy modernists have prepared as they have bartered the blood of Christ for “a mess of pottage” (so-called “higher criticism”). With swollen heads and shrunken hearts, they will look at their folly.
Arm of the Lord, awake! Put on strength! This is the hour for revival. This is the hour of doom. Where are the men of God? Prophets may have miracles, but they must have a message. In their own way, the bewildered worldlings are saying, “Is there any word from the Lord?” They know there is no intelligent word from any other source.
Because God cannot lie, therefore Joel 2 and Malachi 3 will be fulfilled: “The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple” (Malachi 3:1). What comfort there! This moment, drought; the next, deliverance. Ten minutes before John the Baptist arrived, no one knew that he was there. As it was, so I am sure it will be. God will get some man’s ear and heart and will. Men, hidden in secret at this very moment, will utter soon, in the Spirit’s might, the burning truths that this people must hear. Their words will burn as molten metal. With long patience, God awaits.
Have we no modern Moses? Can we suffer this generation to perish in the slave camp of moral bondage—and sit idly by, doing nothing about it? Are we to be mesmerized spectators, while Lucifer, with millions chained to his infernal chariot, sweeps many souls down the “broad way” to everlasting darkness? We need to rediscover the secret of those blessed men of whom the Word says [in Hebrews 11:33], they “subdued kingdoms, [and] stopped the mouths of lions” —(that “lion” who goes about today “seeking whom he may devour”). For this day of doom our pale, pathetic, paralyzed Protestantism needs God-filled and God-guided men. Wanted: prophets of God!
Taken by permission from Why Revival Tarries, ©1959 Leonard Ravenhill. Published by Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved.
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version.
Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) was an evangelist and author who challenged the modern church to compare itself to the early Christian church as chronicled in the Book of Acts.