We Must Not Remain Silent

We Must Not Remain Silent

As the progressive, secular left movement continues its toxic spread across our nation, there is little doubt that its primary objective is not only to suppress Christians and the Biblical worldview, but to harshly punish and completely silence our moral voice and values. 

That was never more evident than with the treatment of Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, as she was savagely attacked by the media—even international pundits—for her part-time role as an art teacher at a Christian school in suburban Virginia. 

Mrs. Pence had taught for 12 years at the school, which like most evangelical Christian schools in America, affirms traditional, Biblical marriage between one man and one woman, with clear definitions of sexual identity according to Scripture. These are the solid, moral foundations that have undergirded civilizations for millennia. 

But if you read the headlines, you would have concluded that Mrs. Pence’s presence at the Christian school was a serious offense. 

—“Karen Pence, America’s second lady, is teaching at Virginia Religious School that bans LGBTQ students and employees” (The Washington Post)

—“Vice President’s wife to teach at anti-LGBT school” (BBC) 

—“Karen Pence to teach at school that bans gay students, teachers” (CNN)

The hostility, bias and ridicule of Biblical morality is blatant and obvious. The media reported nothing about Karen Pence’s skilled, gracious participation in the lives of dozens of children, only the fact that the sexual mores of the school were not aligned with the new immoral mantra of the radical left.  

An article in The Federalist warned of the tyrannical agenda of secular progressives who make no attempt to hide their disdain for Biblical values. 

“The left wants to penalize Christians for their faith. … They are quite clear about their goals for orthodox Christians. They believe we are bigots, and that bigots should not be allowed to run schools, work in government or hold good jobs. If we will not recant and bend the knee to the sexual revolution, they want to close our schools, hospitals and charities, drive us out of our professions, shutter our businesses and get us fired for any job they believe above our station. … A culture that considers sexual desire the essence of a person will not tolerate a rival Biblical viewpoint, but stigmatize and punish it.”

This is the point to which we have come. The war against Biblical values and those who embrace them is full on. The gloves are off, and the radical left would like to crush all who hold to a Biblical worldview. 

The recent developments by pro-abortion activists and politicians—who are actually pro-murder—only serve to undergird just how far our nation has descended into moral bankruptcy. 

On Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act—Orwellian language if ever I heard it—which legalized abortion in the state of New York throughout all nine months of pregnancy, with a doctor’s consent. It also decriminalized all state abortion laws, and allows even unlicensed physicians to perform abortions. To celebrate their murderous new legislation, Cuomo had the One World Trade Center lit in pink. 

One physician commented: “As a board-certified practicing OB-GYN for over 30 years, I need to say publicly and unequivocally, that there is never a medical reason to kill a baby at term. … The decision to kill an unborn baby at term is purely for convenience. It is murder. … God help us.” 

In Virginia, only an outcry from the public halted proposed legislation that would have repealed any restrictions on third-term abortions going to the floor for a vote. Gov. Ralph Northam’s comments in a media interview insinuating that infanticide is permissible following the birth of a live child was chilling and disgusting.

Vice President Pence, a committed believer in Jesus Christ and ardent pro-life supporter, said in a tweet: “These VA & NY late-term abortion bills should be a call to action for all Americans. It would be unconscionable for us to let this moment pass in silence. We must recommit ourselves to restoring the sanctity of life to the center of American law.” 


While followers of the Lord Jesus Christ should never resort to violence, we must do all we can to resist evil. As Mr. Pence has said, we are not to remain silent when moral anarchists are attempting to extinguish any influence of Biblical morality in our government, schools and businesses. 

We can’t stick our heads in the sand and pretend these forces of evil are dormant. They are not, and if we remain silent, then our children and grandchildren will pay a tremendous price for our inaction. 

I promise that I will raise my voice each and every day against such injustice and wicked behavior. I cannot and will not stand idly by. By God’s grace and with God’s help, I will “fight the good fight,” trusting in the sovereign hand of the Lord to work in the hearts and lives of His people to embolden them.

We must be like the Prophet Daniel, who continued to pray to Jehovah God even though he knew he was violating the orders of the Babylonian king to worship him alone. Looking west toward Jerusalem, Daniel “knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days” (Daniel 6:10). Daniel courageously obeyed God in the face of a pagan culture, even risking his own life in the process. 

“The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32). With God’s help, we will pray, we will stand boldly for God’s truth, and we will never compromise with a godless culture that defies and despises the principles of Scripture. 

We stand, knowing that in the end, God will judge all those who are opposed to Him, and He will establish His perfect will and Kingdom on earth just as it is in Heaven. May that day come soon.

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