Three Ways to Share Jesus in Cyberspace

Three Ways to Share Jesus in Cyberspace

“I think that churches ought to tell lost people how to be found,” Linda added.

This is quite a statement when the world has tried to convince Christians that no one is interested in the message of Jesus. Linda is typical of lost people who want to find the truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6, NKJV).

There are at least three ways that every online Christian can share Christ with the billion people who are online around the world.

The first way to share Jesus on the Internet is through a Web page. The best Christian Web pages have at least three components–evangelistic content, spiritual resources and a way to respond. Every believer with a Web page can provide a link to an interactive presentation of the Gospel. For example, Billy Graham’s “Steps to Peace With God” is available online at

Second, join a chat room*, a Web site where users go online simultaneously and type messages to each other live. People visit chat rooms to have online conversations about topics of interest–including Christianity. Use any search engine (a Web site that functions as an Internet directory) to find chat rooms. Then pick one, join and visit. Watch for divine encounters. Consider going to a chat room at the same time as a Christian friend and talking to each other online about Jesus.

Third, create or join a blog. The “blogosphere” includes more than 8 million people who create or read these online news diaries or journals. There are numerous sites that will help you to set up your own blog. Visit one of these sites and look for opportunities to express the Christian perspective.

Let the Holy Spirit use your gifts and interests to invade the Internet with the truth of Jesus.

*Use caution when selecting a chat room, because some chat rooms contain questionable content.

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