Thousands Attend Celebration of Life in Times Square

Thousands Attend Celebration of Life in Times Square

About 20,000 people in Times Square on May 4 attended “Alive From New York,” an outdoor celebration of life sponsored by Focus on The Family.

Participants gazed in silent awe at the huge projection screens to witness a live 4-D ultrasound of a third-trimester pregnancy.

“When people were enamored with the picture of that baby on that screen telecast all across the jumbotrons of Times Square, … I’ve never seen Times Square go silent, but it did ,” Kevin McCullough, afternoon drive host for Salem Media NYC, recounted during a radio interview this morning with Joey Hudson of 94. 5 FM WGTK in Greenville, South Carolina.

Following her live ultrasound broadcast via the Times Square jumbotrons, the expectant mother was introduced as Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director of The Year.

“Abortion is not normal,” Johnson declared. “Abortion is not healthcare. We will see a day when abortion in this country is unthinkable.”

Johnson was introduced on stage by actress Ashley Bratcher, who portrays Johnson in a movie released this spring called “Unplanned” based on Johnson’s 2010 book by the same name.

Bratcher shared with those attending the Times Square event how her mother at age 19 had decided against aborting her after first scheduling the procedure.

Other speakers during the 90-minute program included Benjamin Watson, a professional football player with the New Orleans Saints; Jeanne Mancini of National March for Life; Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr.; and three abortion survivors.

Josiah Presley, whose arm was maimed in a failed abortion procedure, said his life’s tragic beginning is evidence of God’s grace. “Even though my life started as a tragedy, from the very beginning to this point, my life is a story of God’s love, mercy and grace.”

Watson told those in Times Square that the ongoing debate of who is worthy of personhood is the “greatest civil rights issue of our time.”

“Truth, dignity and sanctity of life are under attack,” Watson said. “Here on our watch there are innocent lives being led away to slaughter.”

Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, said the Times Square celebration of life was held in response to the New York legislature’s legalization earlier this year of abortion up to, during, and even after delivery of a full-term pregnancy.

About 2,000 protestors reportedly attended the event.

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