The Team

Billy Graham assembled a close-knit Team that shared the load and supported one another in ministry.

The Team

Billy Graham assembled a close-knit Team that shared the load and supported one another in ministry.

From the early days of his ministry, Billy Graham knew he would need a team. Men such as Cliff Barrows and George Beverly Shea, Grady Wilson and his brother, T.W., Tedd Smith, Walter Smyth, George Wilson, Charlie Riggs and Russ Busby each served for decades in various capacities. In addition, a number of men assisted Mr. Graham as associate evangelists, including Howard Jones, Ralph Bell, John Wesley White, Leighton Ford, Roy Gustafson, Akbar Abdul-Haqq and Robert Cunville. Mr. Graham voiced his gratitude: “Without them, burnout would have left me nothing but a charred cylinder within five years of the 1949 Los Angeles Crusade.”

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