The State of World Evangelism

The State of World Evangelism

Whether we serve as cross-cultural missionaries or seek to lead our next-door neighbors to Jesus, the task of world evangelism is given to all believers. The following articles give a glimpse of what God is doing through some of His witnesses in the world today. Will you, too, join in the great task assigned by our Lord?

Population: 729.8 million
Religion (in millions): 519.1 Christian*; 166.2 non-religious; 37.2 Muslim
Evangelical Christians: 17.3 million
Less than 1 percent evangelical: 24 countries
Foreign missionaries sent out: 16,077

Population: 784.3 million
Religion (in millions): 379.4 Christian; 324.1 Muslim; 68.6 traditional ethnic religion
Evangelical Christians: 116 million
Less than 1 percent evangelical: 14 countries
Foreign missionaries sent out: 3,126

Population: 519.1 million
Religion (in millions): 408.9 Roman Catholic; 21.4 non-religious; 14.7 traditional ethnic religion
Evangelical Christians: 54.9 million
Foreign missionaries sent out: 3,827

Population: 309.6 million
Religion (in millions): 259 Christian; 31.8 non-religious; 5.9 Jewish; 4.6 Muslim; 2.9 Buddhist
Evangelical Christians: 93.8 million
Foreign missionaries sent out: 50,720

Population: 3.7 billion
Religion (in millions): 911.2 Muslim; 815 Hindu; 707.1 non-religious; 394.8 Buddhist; 382.2 Chinese of undocumented belief; 89.5 traditional ethnic religion
Evangelical Christians: 133.2 million
Less than 10 percent Christian: 44 countries
Foreign missionaries sent out: 13,607

Population: 31.2 million
Religion: 22.9 million Christian; 6.7 million non-religious; 396,800 Hindu
Evangelical Christians: 4.8 million
Foreign missionaries sent out: 3,526

Source: “Operation World,” 2001 edition
*For all regions, Christian includes all traditions and confessions of Christianity and does not denote degree of commitment or theological orthodoxy.


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