The Perfect Sacrifice

The Perfect Sacrifice

We encourage you to use the following outline
for personal or group Bible study, Sunday school classes or sermons.

The need for a sacrifice

  1. Genesis 3:21 records how God sacrificed an animal to make a covering for Adam and Eve.
  2. Read Genesis 4:3-7 and Hebrews 11:4. Abel learned something from this that Cain failed to understand or respond to. /li>

strong>The call for a sacrifice

  1. In Genesis 22:1-2, God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Notice Abraham’s reassurance to Isaac in Genesis 22:7-8.
  2. God provided not a lamb but a ram in Genesis 22:13. He would later provide a lamb who would be sacrificed for the salvation of His people (Exodus 12:1-32, Isaiah 53:7, John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Revelation 5: 1-14).
  3. Compare God’s word to Abraham in Genesis 22:1-2, 14-18 with Romans 8:32. Notice the reference to Mount Moriah in 2 Chronicles 3:1. What do these verses tell us about God’s plan of salvation and the way He gave His people hints of Jesus’ sacrifice?

The result of Christ’s sacrifice

  1. Read 1 John 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Revelation 12:11.
  2. Read Hebrews 10:19-23. In light of our confidence to come to God through Christ’s shed blood, what else are we to do?
  3. How does the knowledge that Jesus shed His blood for us enable us to do these things?

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