Sudan Won’t Relinquish Control of Denomination

Sudan Won’t Relinquish Control of Denomination

Sudanese officials have ignored a court ruling that its takeover of a Christian denomination is illegal, according to a report in Morning Star News.

Judge Mahoud Ali Ibrahim ruled Nov. 29 that the government’s Ministry of Guidance and Religious Endowments was not authorized to appoint new leadership—some with Muslim backgrounds—for the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SPEC) in 2013, essentially preventing the denomination from operating.

The prior denominational leaders said it was part of a governmental attempt to rid the nation of Christianity.

The church has experienced demolition of property, beatings of believers and the arrest of two pastors who were originally charged with capital crimes, but later were released after being convicted of lesser charges related to their opposition to the government takeover. One of numerous homes destroyed belonged to Nile Theological College, which had rented the dwelling to a Christian doctor.

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