Students for Life Launches Petition to Kick Planned Parenthood Off Christian College Campuses

Students for Life Launches Petition to Kick Planned Parenthood Off Christian College Campuses

Students for Life of America (SFLA) has launched a petition to encourage the presidents of Christian colleges to sever ties with Planned Parenthood and stop promoting abortion on campuses. 

“There is an unholy partnership between a number of Christian schools and the abortion industry,” said SFLA President Kristan Hawkins, “but Students for Life is mobilizing pro-life advocates nationwide to cut ties with the nation’s number one abortion vendor.”

SFLA says it has conducted research on about 700 Christian colleges and universities and has discovered that approximately 100 of those schools have ties to Planned Parenthood. Of those 100 schools, many have engaged with the abortion giant by advertising Planned Parenthood internships and career postings; referring students to the organization as a resource; incorporating Planned Parenthood into medical school rotations; and partnering with the abortion leader to put on events for students.

“We want to equip pro-life advocates to take action and encourage schools to disentangle themselves from Big Abortion,” Hawkins said. “It is crucial that colleges and universities that claim an affiliation with the Christian faith and Biblical values do not contradict those values by partnering with or promoting perpetrators of abortion violence.”

The “Kick Planned Parenthood Off Campus” petition includes a list of 25 faith-based schools that have developed “friendly relationships” with Planned Parenthood, according to SFLA.

Two of the 25—Messiah College and Saint Francis University, both in Pennsylvania—have already agreed to dissolve their partnerships with Planned Parenthood after being contacted by pro-life advocates, says SFLA.

While its research found nearly 100 Christian schools connected to Planned Parenthood, Hawkins explained that SFLA has separated the schools into groups in order to be most effective.

“The truth is, I’d love to turn up the heat on every single Christian college that has built ties with the abortion industry,” she said. “But I just don’t have the resources to conduct that large of a program right now. So, my goal is to build momentum by getting the first 25 schools to cut ties with Planned Parenthood and then ramp up pressure on the rest.

“If we don’t act now, I’m afraid that Planned Parenthood’s abortion propaganda will be a mainstay in Christian classrooms across America for decades to come,” she added. “… If abortion is going to be abolished in our lifetime, Christians must lead.”

Photo: Norma Jean Gargasz/Alamy Stock Photo

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