Stories from the Prayer Line

Stories from the Prayer Line

The Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line continues to be a source of help to people in times of need. Here are some stories of how God is changing hearts through this ministry.

Ruth* realized as she was listening to a Billy Graham sermon that she needed to change her way of living. She called and told the team member who answered that she grew up without a father, had tried to find love in other men, and had hurt many along the way. She wanted to pray for forgiveness and to accept Christ as Savior. As the team member started to pray, Ruth said, “Can I ask you something? I have never told this to anyone, but I feel like I can trust you. I have had eight abortions. Do you think God is still able to forgive me?” The team member shared God’s love and plan of redemption with Ruth, who by now was weeping. “I shared Scripture with her and let her know that, now that she was coming to Christ and asking Him for forgiveness, she would find not only forgiveness in Him, but healing,” the team member said. “She was excited to start her walk with the Lord.” 

Larry saw a Gospel TV spot  from BGEA in which Franklin Graham explained the Gospel, and he called the number on the screen to ask for prayer for his troubled marriage. He asked the team member to pray for direction and clarity, and for him to have wisdom. “So, claiming James 1:5 on his behalf, I prayed for him and asked him if he wished to rededicate his life to Christ,” the team member said. “He did, so I shared 1 John 1:7 and 9 with him and led him in a prayer of rededication. I also encouraged him to continue praying for his marriage and reading the Word for direction. He shared that he plans to go back to church this Sunday and requested our Living in Christ booklet.”

Thomas also called after seeing a Gospel spot. His wife had pancreatic cancer and was in hospice care. “His anxiety was high, and he told me that his hands were shaking,” the team member said. He wanted to have assurance of his salvation, so he prayed in repentance of sin and asked Jesus to be his Lord. “I told him that he was a new creature in Christ; the old had passed away and the new had come. Then he said, ‘I need to know that I am worthy,’ so I further explained imputed righteousness, telling him that when Jesus sees him, He sees him through the finished work of the cross. Before our call ended, I prayed Scripture, and he began to feel at ease.”

Brokenhearted and uncertain of her future, Brenda called to receive prayer as she found herself being admitted to rehab for alcoholism. “I asked her if she knew Christ as her Lord and Savior, and she said no,” the team member said. “We were able to read Scripture together and I shared the Gospel with her. Reflecting on Christ’s sacrifice for us, Brenda made the decision to ask Him into her heart. We prayed together and celebrated her new life in Christ!”

*Names have been changed for privacy.

If you need prayer, call 855-255-PRAY. To volunteer with the Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line, visit 

Photo: BGEA Archives

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