State Forces Pregnancy Care Centers to Promote Abortion

State Forces Pregnancy Care Centers to Promote Abortion

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in October that the state of California may require all licensed pregnancy care centers to disseminate information about free or low-cost access to abortion and contraceptive services.

Pregnancy care centers that fail to disseminate that message face fines of $500 for the first offense and $1,000 for each subsequent offense.

“It’s bad enough if the government tells you what you can’tsay, but a law that tells you what you mustsay—under threat of severe punishment—is even more unjust and dangerous,” said Matt Bowman, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represented several pro-life pregnancy care centers in the case.

A similar law was signed in July by Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner and was scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1. A number of pro-life pregnancy care centers in that state have filed suit to challenge the law, stating that it violates both state law and the state constitution.

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