Sen. Ted Cruz Opens Investigation Into Alleged Discrimination Against Christians

Sen. Ted Cruz Opens Investigation Into Alleged Discrimination Against Christians

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has opened an investigation into Yale Law School over its decision to expand its nondiscrimination policy to summer and postgraduate public interest fellowships. The school’s nondiscrimination policy states that students who are affiliated with or work for organizations deemed “discriminatory” will not have access to certain funds.

In February, members of the Yale Federalist Society invited a lawyer from the Christian law firm Alliance Defending Freedom to speak on campus. Following the event, student groups led by an LGBT advocacy group known as the “Outlaws,” wrote to school officials, demanding an expansion of the school’s nondiscrimination policy to cover Christian groups, given some Christian groups’ beliefs on homosexuality.

On March 25, the school sent an email to its students announcing the expansion of its nondiscrimination policy.

Cruz argues that the policy unfairly discriminates against students who wish to serve in organizations professing Biblical views.

Last week, he sent a letter to Yale claiming that its policy discriminates on the basis of religion.

“Federal civil rights laws prohibit discrimination based on religious faith,” he wrote. “As a recipient of federal funds, Yale is obligated to comply with these protections.”

Cruz, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, believes that the policy appeared to violate the First Amendment. He announced that the subcommittee “is opening an investigation into Yale Law School’s policy.” The investigation, he wrote, may lead to “a referral to the Department of Justice for action against the law school.”

Feature Image: Alamy Stock Photo

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