Prepared to Share Christ

Prepared to Share Christ

Cheyenne Hensey, 13, committed her life to Christ at a Christian camp last summer, after finishing sixth grade. Since that time, she has discussed her faith many times with her friends at Charlotte Christian School in Charlotte, N.C.

She knew she should be sharing her faith with her friends who are not Christians; she just wasn’t sure how to do that. Now a seventh-grader, she has found a way.

Cheyenne’s Bible teacher, Doug Damon, recently led her entire Bible class through Dare to Be a Daniel, a new training program developed by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for kids ages 9-14. The program, which equips boys and girls to share their faith, provides a printed booklet, a CD-ROM and a fun, interactive Web site.

The program presents the Old Testament prophet Daniel as a role model and guides participants through the four godly keys to Daniel’s success. Some kids refer to these principles as “the four ‘P’s”: Daniel purposed in his heart to obey God; he prayed; he picked godly friends and his life pointed others to the one true God.

It also gives step-by-step instructions on how to help others put their faith in Christ, including nine memory verses that help participants explain four simple ideas to their friends: God loves them; sin separates them from God; Jesus is the way to get connected to God; and, if they confess and repent, He will forgive their sins.

“I feel more prepared to share my faith now, and less nervous,” Cheyenne said. “It’s important to help people come to know Jesus so they can know how much He loves them.”

Once participants recite the verses in front of a church leader, they will receive dog tags with BGEA’s Steps to Share Your Faith and an ID card recognizing them as a member of the Dare to Be a Daniel Team.

In addition to helping kids share their faith, the program is designed to strengthen them in their own walk with Christ.

“It helps you pray more and be more thankful for what you have, rather than being upset because you don’t have everything you want,” she said. “I am thankful to Mr. Damon for introducing the program to us.”

One eigth-grader in Cheyenne’s Bible class said she feels more inspired to talk with her friends about Christ.

“Before this year, I went to a public school, so I have a lot of friends who are not Christians,” she said. “And my dad really doesn’t know the Lord. The program has helped me, just if I’m having a bad day, to look back at what I’ve learned and feel closer to the Lord.”

Another classmate said she prays more now.

“I love how the program told the story of Daniel, and how there are verses that go with the steps,” she said. “It didn’t just tell you to share your faith, it showed you. I read it every night.”

She continued, “I want to help my brother. He’s having a lot of problems with drinking and smoking and cursing, and I really don’t want him to die without the Lord.”

Dare to Be a Daniel answers a few “what ifs” so kids are ready for real-life situations: What if their friends don’t feel ready to pray to accept Jesus? What if their friends think they are Christians but have never prayed to receive Jesus?

“You don’t rush them if they’re not ready,” said Blaydes, an eighth-grader. “And you don’t talk high and mighty to them.”

Dare to Be a Daniel instructs kids to simply share their faith, and then trust God to do the rest.

If you would like to order a free Dare to Be a Daniel starter kit, call 1-888-802-3223 or log on to

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