Our One True Guide

Our One True Guide

Love has to communicate. When God created man, He communicated with him, and as a result we have the Bible, our one sure guide in an unsure world. As somebody has said, “It is the heart of God in the words of God.”

In Psalm 119, the Word of God is called the “law of the Lord,” the “testimony of the Lord,” His “precepts,” His “statutes,” His “commandments,” His “judgments,” our “counselor,” and “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

We are told to walk in it, learn it, take heed to it, not wander from it, to hide it in our hearts, to rejoice in it, to meditate in it, to delight in it. Here again this is just a sample, but perhaps the key point is to “keep” or “obey.”

The Word of God keeps us from being ashamed; it enables a young man to cleanse his way. When hidden in the heart it keeps us from sinning against Him. It revives us when our souls cleave unto the dust, it refreshes and restores us, it teaches us the fear of the Lord and enables us to walk in liberty. It comforts us in our affliction and guides us in wisdom and understanding.

If you have a need, come to Him. Come to His Word just as you are.


Taken by permission and adapted from “Using Our Resources,” by Ruth Bell Graham, Decision magazine, December 1974, from her speech at the Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne, Switzerland, in July 1974.

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