Ohio County Excludes Christian Organization From Foster System

Ohio County Excludes Christian Organization From Foster System

Gracehaven, a Christian organization serving young female sex trafficking survivors in Ohio, has filed federal lawsuit against county officials for excluding it from foster care funds because of its Christian values.

Gracehaven has served girls as young as 12 in central Ohio since 2008. The nonprofit organization centers on helping girls work through the severe emotional or behavioral disturbances they face after being rescued from sex trafficking. Gracehaven opened three state-licensed group homes where social workers, therapists, staff, resident assistants and volunteers serve the girls through 24/7 trauma-informed and responsive services.

Executive Director Scott Arnold believes that helping girls victimized by sex trafficking is a Biblical calling.

“When Jesus talked about ‘widows and orphans,’ He meant the vulnerable and powerless of society, people who don’t have a voice for themselves,” Arnold explained on Gracehaven’s website story page. “I believe today’s ‘widows and orphans’ include these young girls who have been victimized by the child sex trafficking trade. And Gracehaven is committed to doing everything within our means to help them escape the life and heal from their trauma.”

For several years, Gracehaven received girls through the foster care system. Gracehaven provided foster “substitute” care services through a contract with Montgomery County. The county reimbursed Gracehaven with public foster care funds. For the new year, the county changed its contract and added a new provision that prohibited Gracehaven from hiring only those who share and live out its religious beliefs. After Gracehaven told county officials that it would not follow the new provision as the constitution protected their right to employ based on faith, the county refused to complete another year’s contract.

The county’s decision has caused 14 girls to be denied care.

On behalf of Gracehaven, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed lawsuit against Montgomery County officials on Dec. 9.

In a press release, Arnold explained why Christian staff is essential to Gracehaven’s mission.

“Gracehaven empowers young girls rescued from sex trafficking by helping them thrive with dignity in a renewed life,” he said. “Our team of Christian employees is paramount to this work. As we help these girls work through their pain and trauma, and move toward living healthy, fulfilling lives, our ability to hire like-minded people of faith to carry out our mission is essential.”

The organization’s legal complaint argues that the First Amendment protects religious organizations, saying, “When an association expresses a collective message, the First Amendment prohibits the government from forcing the association to admit those who disagree with its message, seek to change that message, or express a contrary view. …The County’s policy, custom and actions force Gracehaven to surrender its right to associate with only likeminded believers who share its faith to contract with the County and to receive a public benefit. This unconstitutionally forces the ministry to expressively associate with people who do not hold the same religious views and who, therefore, cannot express the same message.”

ADF Legal Counsel Jake Reed recognizes the damage the denial inflicts on girls who’ve survived sex trafficking, along with the unconstitutional nature of the contract’s new provision.

“The government can’t deny public benefits to a Christian ministry that is caring for young survivors of sex trafficking solely because of its religious character and exercise,” Reed said. “Gracehaven is a force for good, providing comprehensive care, support, and a place to call home for the most vulnerable girls in Ohio.  The Constitution prohibits the county from punishing Gracehaven by refusing to work with it and excluding it from public funding simply because the ministry hires those who share its faith.”

Photo: Gracehaven Facebook

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