New York City to Directly Fund Abortion

New York City to Directly Fund Abortion

New York City has dedicated $250,000 of the city’s budget to help women pay for abortions. According to city officials, the money will allow for the deaths of approximately 500 pre-born children. That’s about $500 per abortion.

“New York State taxpayers sadly already pay for abortions through the Medicaid program (something New York State Right to Life has long sought to change), and indirectly through health insurance premiums (because of governor fiat),” the New York Right to Life group posted on its Facebook page. “Now the abortion capital of the world, New York City, may actually use city taxpayer monies for an enticement fund to come terminate your children. NYC citizens, call your City Council members to stop this.”

The $250,000 will go to the New York Abortion Access Fund (NYAAF), which pays clinics for abortions performed on women who cannot pay and are not covered by insurance or Medicaid. According to the New York Times, roughly a third of the fund goes to women from out of state who come to New York specifically for abortions.

Women who wish to have an abortion in New York City simply call the NYAAF to make a request, and a volunteer responds within 24 hours. After an assessment, the organization pays abortion bills directly to the clinic, and may even refer the women to outside organizations that will pay for their transportation costs. In 2018, it was reported that the fund paid for nearly 600 abortions.

While abortion activists paint the decision as a way to “help low income women,” the numbers show that the abortion industry is in fact targeting low income neighborhoods, specifically areas with large black and Hispanic populations.

According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control, the New York Police Department and the FBI, late-term abortions in New York City outnumber homicides by more than four to one. Additionally, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Office released a report that revealed more black babies are aborted than born in the city. Overall, in 2015, 39 percent of abortions in the city were performed on black babies, while another 28 percent were performed on Hispanic babies.

International pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha spoke out against New York lawmakers’ decision on Twitter: “New York City will spend $250,000 to ‘help’ poor women kill their unborn babies. Remember that in 2015, NYC pregnancy outcome statistics showed 23,116 black babies were born while 25,698 were aborted. More killed than born #AbortionIsRacistAndClassist.”


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