New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Oppose Transgender Ideology

New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Oppose Transgender Ideology

Sixty-two percent of Americans surveyed in a recent Harvard University-sponsored poll agreed that people should not be able to choose their own gender and pronouns.

The October survey of 1,576 registered voters by Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) and Harris Insights and Analytics asked: “Do you think that people should be able to choose their gender and pronouns or are someone’s gender and pronouns what they are born with?”

Only 38% of survey respondents said they believe that people can change their sex, according to the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll.

The survey results represent a 24-point swing from a 2019 survey that revealed a 50/50 split on whether Americans believed that transgender people should be able to use the bathroom that best aligns with their gender identity.

In 2019, the Harvard/Harris team asked 1,295 registered voters: “Do you think that transgender people should be required to use the bathroom of their sex at birth or allowed to use the bathroom that best aligns with their gender identity and state sex?”

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, said the survey findings are quite telling.

“Americans are fed up with the Left’s onslaught of LGBT extremism,” Perkins said. “It’s everywhere—in our grocery aisles, on our televisions, in our schools, even our greatest pastimes. These days, people can’t even buy a candy bar without being hit over the head with the message that it’s perfectly normal to choose your own reality. Turns out, the Left’s ruthless, in-your-face crusade is turning people off. Big time.”

Another Harvard/Harris question in the October 2021 survey revealed that just 28% of people say there are “more than two genders.”

“A solid majority of the country rejects the gender extremism gripping our culture,” Perkins said. “But it’s even more astounding when you consider where those numbers were two years ago. In 2019, the country was split right down the middle —50/50—on whether we should accommodate people who identify as transgender. That’s a double-digit swing in favor of biological truth!”

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