A National Wake-Up Call

To the Point

A National Wake-Up Call

To the Point

For many months, my father has been praying about and preparing a message to be telecast nationwide on Nov. 7 and throughout the first week of November.

Titled The Cross, it is part of a massive evangelistic campaign, My Hope With Billy Graham, that we believe comes at a dark and critical hour for our country. Without a profound Spirit-led revival, I believe America is on a precipitous path to eventual despair and calamity.

My father’s message points to the only remedy—the cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who alone can transform men’s hearts and behavior. It is redeemed people, who seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, who are most able to turn the tide of immorality, greed, selfishness and sensuality that threatens to inundate us.

Unless we see a new spiritual awakening, I fear for the future that awaits our children and grandchildren. The Bible says: “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3, NKJV). In other words, when the moral pillars of our culture—the sanctity of life and marriage, the godly ethic of hard work and honesty, personal responsibility to God for behavior and actions—are seriously eroded, the collapse of society cannot be far behind.

For more than a year now, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has worked with churches and believers across the United States and Canada to prepare hearts and homes for My Hope. Tens of thousands of people already have been praying for unsaved loved ones and neighbors, and inviting them into their homes to watch my father’s broadcast.

At the end of the telecast, which is one of the most powerful messages my father has prepared, trained hosts will share their testimonies of God’s saving power.

Those who respond to the convicting and life-giving work of the Holy Spirit will immediately begin a new spiritual journey that can, by God’s grace, help them become more loving fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, employers and employees. The indwelling work of Christ in their hearts can help them do their part in transforming the moral values of our nation’s homes, schools, towns and communities.

In the past five decades, our nation seems to have done everything it can to marginalize the role of faith and religion in our society. The rise of pluralism and tolerance has sought to dilute the influence of Christianity. Christians have been openly mocked and ridiculed by the media, and the judicial system has consistently ruled against the public practice of our faith.

Well, we see where that has gotten us. There is moral and spiritual bankruptcy in almost every sector of public and private life. We are a nation in decline because, in the words of Scripture, we have “forgotten … God” (Isaiah 17:10, NKJV).

Please join me in praying that the Lord will profoundly use this program and the preaching of the Gospel to bring thousands to repentance and faith in Christ.

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