Liberal Media Target ‘Fixer Upper’ Stars

Liberal Media Target ‘Fixer Upper’ Stars

Chip and Joanna Gaines, co-hosts of the HGTV program Fixer Upper, have come under fire for—of all things—attending a Christian church whose pastor teaches Biblical principles about sexuality.

In late November, Cosmopolitan magazine and the Buzzfeed website zeroed in on the beliefs of Antioch Community Church in Waco, Texas, especially its definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman, and its stance that homosexuality is a sin.

Despite the fact that many thousands of evangelical churches across the nation—and the world—hold fast to the same beliefs because they are clearly espoused in Scripture, Cosmopolitan and Buzzfeed presented their reports as revelatory and potentially scandalous for the Gaineses if they’re found to be “anti-gay.”

It’s yet another example of the increasingly rabid attacks from liberal progressives—especially LGBT activists—against the Bible and anyone who believes what it teaches.

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