'How Do I Share?'

Part two of a two-part series

'How Do I Share?'

Part two of a two-part series

Q: “Is there anything that will help me to do the very thing I want so much to do—to tell others that I have found a way of surviving death, living forever, being forgiven of my sins and exploring the goodness of God forever?”

A: Since 1981 I have spoken with more than 30,000 people on a one-to-one basis and have watched the power of the Gospel change lives. I also have entered a wonderful world of freedom. I know I have never led anyone to Jesus–though I have been around a lot when the Holy Spirit has done so.

In witnessing I have learned to ask five simple questions:

  • Do you have any kind of spiritual belief?
  • To you, who is Jesus?
  • Do you think there is a heaven or a hell?
  • If you died, where would you go?

And the key question is:

  • If what you’re believing is not true, would you want to know?

Out of the thousands of times I’ve asked these questions, not once–not ever–have I had a “No” that stuck.

The idea of the questions is to get permission from a person to open my Bible. When that happens, two key biblical principles come into play: Principle No. 1, from Romans 10:17, is that faith comes from hearing. Principle No. 2, from Luke 10:26, is that we can emulate Jesus as He asked a man who was reading the law, “What is written?” and “How do you read it?”

To put these principles together, you can place your Bible in front of people and have them read Romans 3:23 out loud. When they finish, apply the second biblical principle: “What does it say to you?”

If they say something like, “Well, we’ve all sinned,” then I say, “You’re correct.” Then I turn to the next Scripture. We are not arguing, because the Holy Spirit does all the convicting and convincing. At this point I am in the page-turning business, and I have one goal: to stay out of God’s way. My preferred order of Scripture is Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 3:3, John 14:6, Romans 10:9-11 and Revelation 3:20.

Once you have shared those Scriptures, say something like, “If you can say ‘yes’ from your heart to these next five questions, you probably are ready to commit your life to Christ.”

  • Are you are sinner?
  • Do you want forgiveness of all your sin?
  • Do you believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for you and rose again?
  • Are you willing to take your life and surrender it to Jesus Christ?
  • Are you ready to invite Christ into your life and into your heart?

There are only two possible answers to those questions–yes or no. If they say “yes” from their heart, the Bible tells us they can be saved.

If they say “no” to any or all of them, respond with one simple question: “Why?” The response gives us something to talk about. I never force a decision on anyone, because love never forces. Jesus never healed anyone who didn’t want to be healed.

God has left us on this planet to be His witnesses (Matthew 28:19-20). He doesn’t ask us for conversions; He asks only for our obedience. When we obey Him by sharing our faith, we know all of the good things that we have in Christ Jesus our Lord (Philemon 1:6), and we find a complete revitalization of our Christian life.

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