House Votes to Reject Title IX Changes

House Votes to Reject Title IX Changes

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Thursday to pass a joint resolution that would stop the Biden administration’s radical changes to Title IX, which was originally drafted largely to give equal opportunities for females in the workplace and in educational settings.

House Joint Resolution 165 (H.J. Res. 165) declares that Congress disapproves of the Biden administration’s Final Rule on Title IX, which adds “gender identity” as a protected class under the anti-sex discrimination law. The House action puts the 1996 Congressional Review Act into practice, a law that allows Congress to cancel federal agencies’ rules when both houses of Congress disapprove through joint resolutions.

“Title IX came around in 1972 and swung open the doors to college athletics for women, who’d historically been excluded from such opportunities,” said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina). “By adding gender identity to Title IX’s protected classes, the radical Left and the Biden administration will tear down women’s sports and eliminate safe and private spaces for girls. The rule puts a man’s perceived feelings of femininity on par with actual womanhood, rooted in biological sex.”

H.J. Res. 165 passed after debate on Thursday along party lines with a 210-205 vote, with 10 Republicans and eight Democrats not voting. It now heads to the Senate.

Earlier this year, the Department of Education issued a Final Rule on Title IX, changing several aspects of the law, including adding gender identity to the definition of sex. The rule would force schools to allow gender-confused students to participate in school programs and activities consistent with their self-proclaimed gender identity. This, many argue, opens the door for biological males who identify as female to use private spaces, play on female sports teams and have educational opportunities meant for females, putting girls’ and women’s safety and opportunities at risk.

“We recently celebrated the 52nd anniversary of this body passing Title IX,” said Rep. Mary Miller (R-Illinois) during House debate. “Fifty-two years ago, everyone saw the need for equal opportunities in education, scholarships and athletics for our girls. Title IX was enacted to do just that, but Joe Biden’s new rule will erase those protections and opportunities for our girls.

“Biden wants to force biological men into our girls’ showers and bathrooms, and the Biden Title IX Rule will be the end of girls’ sports. The prospect of this is sickening, and parents across this country are horrified.”

Foxx added, “My womanhood is not a costume, nor is my daughter’s or my granddaughter’s. … Biological sex exists. It existed when Title IX was first drafted, it still exists today.”

Above: Rep. Mary Miller (R-Illinois) urges her colleagues in the House to vote in favor of H.J. Res. 165 during debate on July 11, 2024.

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