G7 Members Urged to Promote Abortion in Effort to Advance Gender Equality

G7 Members Urged to Promote Abortion in Effort to Advance Gender Equality

Earlier this week at the G7 Summit in Biarritz, France, the Gender Equality Advisory Council (GEAC) told world leaders that promoting abortion up to birth will advance gender equality in their respective countries.

The G7 is an international, intergovernmental economic organization made up of seven of the world’s most industrialized and developed economies. These countries—Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States—hold 40% of the world’s wealth but only 10% of the its population.

The GEAC, which was created by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during Canada’s G7 presidency in 2018 and renewed by French President Emmanuel Macron in 2019, presented its “Biarritz Partnership for Gender Equality” report to G7 members on Sunday. The GEAC claims the recommendations included in the report “are fundamental to advancing the rights of girls and women in the G7 countries, and the world at large.”

“The Gender Equity Advisory Council’s call for abortion on demand as a means of promoting gender equality is abhorrent,” Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, told Decision. “They’re ignoring the role abortion plays in the abuse of women and girls, enabling abusers to cover their crimes. In espousing a policy that would limit, or even ban speech opposing abortion, they would ironically be silencing the voices of the millions of pro-life women.

“And of course, they forget about the more than half of all abortions that end the lives of unborn baby girls. To tell a woman that she cannot be free unless she kills her own child is to tell her that she can never really be the equal of a man, who will never have to make such a horrible choice.”

The G7 report highlights a French law enacted in 2017 that bans websites containing “misinformation on abortion.” The law has been highly criticized for its noticeable bias against pro-life ideology and its wide-open interpretation of “misinformation.” Some say the law jeopardizes the existence of all pro-life websites and makes it illegal to express any moral disapproval of abortion when attempting to dissuade a woman from having one.

Canada’s extreme abortion law allowing abortion without restrictions through all nine months of pregnancy was also celebrated in the report.

In a timely post just days before the report was presented at the Summit, Obianuju Ekeocha, pro-life activist and founder of Culture of Life Africa, shared, “If we are really going to fight for human rights, we cannot have human rights until the life of every baby in the womb is protected in every culture in the world.”

“It is not at all clear how promoting extreme abortion legislation (or any abortion legislation for that matter) advances the empowerment of women,” said Catherine Robinson, spokesperson for Right To Life UK. “… Ironically, the Gender Equality Advisory Council is promoting a practice which has women as its primary victims.”

Photo: Newscom

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