Franklin Graham, Other Christian Leaders, Proclaim Day of Prayer for the President

Franklin Graham, Other Christian Leaders, Proclaim Day of Prayer for the President

A group of more than 250 evangelical leaders, led by Franklin Graham, is calling on churches to set aside next Sunday, June 2, as a special day for prayer for President Trump. Franklin made the announcement on social media May 26 and included a link to a brief statement and a list of signatories.

“We the undersigned are calling for June 2 to be a special Day of Prayer for the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, that God would protect, strengthen, embolden, and direct him,” the proclamation says.

“We believe our nation is at a crossroads, at a dangerous precipice. The only one who can fix our country’s problems is God Himself, and we pray that God will bless our president and our nation for His glory.”

On his Facebook page, Franklin stated: “In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as [President Trump] has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.”

“Time is short,” Franklin wrote. “We need to pray for God to intervene … to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide the President.”

He added: “We know that God hears and answers prayer. He can soften hearts and change minds. He is all-powerful, and He rules over the affairs of nations. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority, ‘that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior’ (1 Timothy 2:2-3).

“On June 2, we ask that pastors would lead their congregations in praying for the President, that Sunday schools and other groups would join together and pray, and that individuals and families across the country would have a special focus on praying for the President that day.”

Among those who signed the statement are Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California; Bishop Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland; Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, Texas; David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego; James and Shirley Dobson of the Dobson Family Institute; Alveda King of Civil Rights for the Unborn, and Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.

In recent years, Franklin has been one of the leading voices warning of the dangers to the nation’s religious freedom posed by the political and social agenda of the progressive left, leading evangelistic prayer rallies across the nation and repeatedly stating that “only Almighty God can help us.”


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