Flying Blind—And Finding the Way Home

BGEA program addresses sin in the lives of believers

Flying Blind—And Finding the Way Home

BGEA program addresses sin in the lives of believers

Audrey Meisner never thought this would happen to her. Of all things, not this.

“All my life, I just wanted to be that girl who loved God,” Audrey says. “I was the one who told all my friends about Jesus. I wanted to be a true representative of God on the earth.”

Audrey and her husband, Bob, were all-in for Jesus. They were best-selling authors. They spoke at conferences. They hosted a Christian television program. But now, Audrey was coming to grips with the crushing reality that she had been unfaithful to Bob. A young man had entered the couple’s life as a helper, but his flattery and advances toward Audrey had led to a three-week affair.

How could the girl who loved God ever get back to a place of wholeness in her relationship with God and with her husband? Could there be forgiveness and restoration?

“Now I was going to be the girl who failed, the girl who fell,” Audrey says. “I felt shame, and I thought, I’m disqualified. I’ll never have a voice for God in this life again. And my children are going to be scarred because of something I did.”

The Meisners’ story is one of four compelling accounts in a new program from BGEA called Flying Blind. 

Designed to be shown during church worship services or at church small group meetings, the roughly 20-minute program addresses what happens when followers of Jesus Christ fall into sin. Most important, it points viewers to the way out of that sin.

Beginning Nov. 7 (Billy Graham’s 99th birthday), churches may stream or download the program, or they may order a DVD, at Several versions of the program are available, and churches can show the one that best fits their needs. For example, at the conclusion of one version, Franklin Graham presents a call to repentance; another version allows the local pastor to do that.

Believers who desire spiritual help after viewing the program can request a free copy of the BGEA booklet 30 Discipleship Exercises, which helps Christians to grow spiritually. For new believers, BGEA’s Living in Christ booklet will be available.

Believers know very well that when a person commits his or her life to Jesus Christ, temptation and sin do not simply disappear. Flying Blind addresses this reality head-on. For the Meisners, the road to restoration was not easy. But through repentance, forgiveness and God’s continued grace, they are still together 15 years later, raising four children and ministering side-by-side to husbands and wives by offering Biblical help for strengthening marriages.

“This isn’t our story,” Bob says. “This is a God story. And what He’s done for us, He can also do for others.”

“We are so grateful,” Audrey adds, “that BGEA is willing to do this Flying Blind program, to address the culture’s pressures and the consequences of sin. We are praying that many people will be impacted for the Kingdom.”  ©2017 BGEA

To find more information, to stream or
download Flying Blind, or to order a DVD,
go to


Flying Blind is a very special program for the church. I’d love for you to take it and use it in your church. It’s free; we want to give it to you. I believe it’s a word that God laid on my heart for the church. You can use it not only in the sanctuary, but you may want to use it in small groups. It’s taking the Gospel and focusing it toward the church. I hope you’ll watch it and use it, if God so leads you. —Franklin Graham

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