Federal Judge Strikes Down Abortion Restriction in Texas

Federal Judge Strikes Down Abortion Restriction in Texas

A Texas law restricting a common second-trimester abortion procedure has been overturned and ruled as unconstitutional by U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel.

According to The New York Times, this law, which passed and was signed last spring by Gov. Greg Abbott, was to go into effect as part of Senate Bill 8, which “would require doctors to stop the fetus’s heart before performing a dilation-and-evacuation abortion, except in a medical emergency. D&E abortions, as they are known, involve dilating the woman’s cervix and removing the fetus in pieces.”

The Center for Reproductive Rights and Planned Parenthood claim the procedure to stop the fetus’s heart poses more threat to the woman’s life and is unnecessary. And in his ruling, Yeakel argued the law “substantially burdens” abortion access.

But pro-life advocates agree with Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, who says that “Senate Bill 8 is lawful, treats the unborn with dignity and respect, and protects the integrity of the medical profession.”

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