Doing Our Part

Doing Our Part

Those of us who are trying to establish Christian homes and train our children for God know quite well that the success or failure of our venture does not rest on applying a set formula, following prescribed rules or reading excellent books about the subject. The foundation for family success is a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus Himself.

Our authority as parents is hollow and meaningless unless we can say, as did the centurion in Jesus’ day, “I am … under authority” (Matthew 8:9, KJV). Our authority in our homes is in direct proportion to God’s authority in our lives. Our influence over our children is in proportion to God’s influence over us.

As parents, we need to lead the way in seeking to rediscover what God, in His Word, has told us simply and clearly to do. Otherwise our young people, faced with the accumulation of man-made dos and don’ts that we give them, are likely to feel confused and frustrated. They may want to chuck the entire thing.

Instead, we need to set out eagerly–not reluctantly or hesitantly–to obey His will. Our obedience needs to begin right where we are–in our homes. That is the hardest, but most important, place to start.

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