Why Christians Must Vote This Fall

Why Christians Must Vote This Fall

As the 2018 mid-term elections approach, it’s critical that you vote on Election Day, just like so many of us did in 2016. I thank God daily for all the good things that have happened since the last election to protect religious liberty and advocate for Biblical values, which were jeopardized during the previous eight years. But the battle is far from over. In fact, it’s just beginning.

Since the election, we have seen career bureaucrats and left-wing politicians on the federal and state levels working with secular-progressive activists to derail any progress made to restore religious liberty protections on issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, freedom of conscience and a host of other issues.

If you agree with the progress that’s been made, it is absolutely vital for you to vote this November to continue the momentum gained as new laws are introduced protecting people of faith, and as federal judges retire and are replaced.

The right to vote in a free country is a gift from God. We must use the voice we have, or we risk losing it.

As I said at each stop during the 2016 Decision America Tour in all 50 states, just a few votes can make all the difference. In President Trump’s first year in office, we saw the abortion-pill mandate within Obamacare turned on its head; new provisions within the Washington bureaucracy to outlaw discrimination of government workers based on sincere religious beliefs; and a rejection of radical transgender bathroom standards in public schools. To top it off, we saw a constitutional conservative placed on the Supreme Court.

These types of victories happened because a large percentage of Christian voters went to the polls in 2016. The plans of secular progressives to continue their assault on people of faith were stopped—but only by a slim margin.

The Scripture tells us that our spiritual enemy, the devil, seeks to steal, kill and destroy. His work has escalated around the world and, sad to say, many of our politicians have supported the progressive secular movement. Our country is darker and more godless. Meanwhile, secular progressives have tried to redefine God to justify the LGBTQ agenda, anti-God and anti-family ideology, and a culture of death that promotes abortion and euthanasia.

Yet God’s people are called to stand in the gap. That means praying with urgency for prospective leaders and leaders already in office. That means taking time to learn how this year’s candidates stand on the issues. You might not find a perfect candidate in every race, so you will need to learn which of them stands closer to the values you hold.

It will take some effort. But it’s vital to you, your children, your grandchildren and the future of our nation. At every level, we need to vote for candidates who are not ashamed to boldly defend Biblical values. I have no faith in the Democratic Party, nor do I have any faith in the Republican Party. The only One who can turn this around is Almighty God.

The freedom to preach the lifesaving Gospel of Jesus Christ and to live our lives for Him is under attack like never before, and we must stand together and make sure we vote. I’m not telling you who to vote for—you ask God about that. But be sure to vote. Stand and be counted. Pray like never before. And then go to the polls and vote for candidates who support religious freedom and whose views align with Biblical values.

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