California Bill Would Ban Conservative Christian Cops

California Bill Would Ban Conservative Christian Cops

California Assemblyman Ash Kalra (D-San Jose) has introduced AB 655, also known as the California Law Enforcement Accountability Reform Act, which would disqualify police officers from public service if they have “engaged in membership in a hate group, participation in hate group activities or public expressions of hate.” Yet conservatives worry the lack of clarity around the bill’s usage of the word hate could mean that law enforcement officers who hold Biblical beliefs about marriage, the sanctity of life and gender identity would be barred from employment in the state.

The bill defines hate speech as “advocating or supporting the denial of constitutional rights of, the genocide of, or violence towards, any group of persons based upon race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.”

Pacific Justice Institute Senior Staff Attorney Matthew McReynolds believes this broad and arbitrary definition could give way for Christians and conservatives to be classified as “hateful” based on the premise of rejecting abortion or same-sex marriage.

“Under the guise of addressing police gangs,” McReynolds said, “the bill at the same time launches an inexplicable, unwarranted and unprecedented attack on peaceable, conscientious officers who happen to hold conservative political and religious views. Indeed, this is one of the most undisguised and appalling attempts we have ever seen, in more than 20 years of monitoring such legislation, on the freedom of association and freedom to choose minority viewpoints.”

“Should the state now ban from public service qualified, fair-minded people who happen to hold religious or political views that conflict with controversial Supreme Court decisions on marriage and abortion?” Greg Burt, director of Capitol Engagement with the California Family Council (CFC), asked. “This is a blatantly unconstitutional violation of religious liberty and freedom of speech. It is also a tyrannical abuse of power from a politician seeking to ruin the lives of those he disagrees with.”

CFC is urging people to sign its “Don’t Ban Christian Cops” petition.

“AB 655 defines a ‘hate group’ and ‘hate speech’ so broadly that it includes police officers who have expressed conservative religious or political views on abortion, marriage and gender or belong to a church, synagogue or mosque that does,” the petition reads. “… We can show legislators California’s support of Christian law enforcement officers.”

The bill is scheduled for its first hearing before the Assembly Public Safety Committee on April 6.

Photo: B Christopher/Alamy Stock Photo

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