Bishop Reports Church Member to Police for Biblical Beliefs

Bishop Reports Church Member to Police for Biblical Beliefs

The Anglican Bishop of Coventry, England, has reported a lay member of the Church of England’s general synod to the police for an alleged hate crime because he campaigned online against Queer Theory and the sexualization and grooming of children, according to a press release from Christian Concern.

Sam Margrave, 40, has been a lay member of the Church of England’s general synod—its governing body—for over 10 years. Since he put forward a motion for debate at the July 2022 general synod, he has received death threats and faced constant harassment.

His motion proposed that the synod, “affirming that God loves all people, nevertheless consider[s] that the ‘Pride’ rainbow flag, activity and events, and what it represents in terms of the ordering of lives and relationships is contrary to the word of God (2 Timothy 4:3, Genesis 5:2, Mark 10:6-9, Matthew 19:3-12, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-27, Genesis 2:24, 1 John 2:15-17, Romans 6, 1 Corinthians 4:6, Jeremiah 23:16-17, Luke 17:1-2, Matthew 18:6-9, Ezekiel 3:18-19, 2 Timothy 3:1-4, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Corinthians 13:4, 1 John 2:3-6);

“and therefore:

“a) call[s] on the House of Bishops to state that support for Pride (including use of the rainbow flag; and blessing, participation in, publicising, resourcing and endorsement of Pride events or flags) is incompatible with the Christian faith, its agenda being contrary to scriptural teaching, Church doctrine and Canons of the Church of England …”

Margrave also has actively argued on Twitter against Queer Theory* and its influence in the Church of England, which has resulted in death threats from LGBTQ activists and abuse by members of the clergy, Christian Concern said.

In addition, the Bishop of Coventry sent correspondence to Musgrave that said: “The Diocesan Secretary has had no option, in view of a number of complaints received, to report your offending tweets to the West Midlands Police and is in continuing conversation with them. They have advised her that they have been able to speak to you but that you continue to deny you have done anything wrong.”

Musgrave commented on what he has experienced since last summer:

“I am shocked, appalled and deeply hurt that the Bishop and diocese has resorted to reporting me to the police and has essentially thrown me under the bus.

“For standing against the sexualisation of children and the secularisation of the CofE, I have been repeatedly harassed and threatened. The impact on my well-being has been immense and the people in the Church who should be supporting me the most have closed ranks against me. …

“All I have wanted was to protect children and give a voice to parents by standing against the sexualisation and grooming of children, which was part of the manifesto I was elected on.

“I don’t hate anyone, this is not about hate, it has always been about truth and bringing positive change to the CofE. …

“It appears you simply cannot challenge or question Queer Theory and Pride events without serious consequences and even threats to your life.”

*According to Christian Concern, “Queer Theory emerged in the 1970s and was prefigured by the revolutionary anti-family Marxism of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). The GLF pushed the sexualisation of children as part of its case for banning therapy for homosexuality, and attacking the traditional family. The GLF specifically targeted Christianity and Judaism with the idea of ‘smashing heteronormativity,’ the view that relationships should be between a man and a woman.”

Photo: Courtesy of Christian Concern

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