Bible study: Worthy to Govern

Bible study: Worthy to Govern

This November, after months of media blitz, debates, a last-minute candidate switch and political intrigue, millions of us across the United States, and tens of millions around the world, will hold our collective breath as we wait expectantly to discover who has been chosen to be the president of the United States for the next four years. Whoever it is, will he or she be worthy to govern our republic during these very critical days? Only time will tell.

One thing we know for certain. There is coming a day when millions upon millions of people will gather before the throne of God and proclaim Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, as the only One worthy to govern, not just the United States, not just Planet Earth, but the entire universe. He alone is worthy “to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise”! And as that scene unfolds in Heaven, on Earth “every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” He is worthy to govern everything and everyone forever and ever!

Read Revelation 4

HE IS ENTHRONED IN POWER    Revelation 4:1-2

  • Who was seated on the throne? Revelation 4:2; 5:1; Hebrews 12:2.
  • Who actually saw and recorded this scene in Heaven? Revelation 4:1; 1:1-2; 5:1.
  • Describe John’s circumstances when he saw this. Revelation 1:9.
  • Who else saw a similar scene, and what was the circumstance of each? Isaiah 6:1 with John 12:41; Ezekiel 1:1-5, 22, 26; Acts 7:54-60.
  • If you are going through an extremely difficult time, how does this encourage you?  

HE IS ENCIRCLED IN PROOF   Revelation 4:3-8

Proof of His Mercy

  • What were the circumstances of the first rainbow? Genesis 7:24-9:13.
  • What did the rainbow symbolize? Genesis 9:12-17.
  • What did the rainbow remind Noah of? Genesis 9:15-16.
  • Explain the difference between Noah remembering the covenant, and Noah remembering that God remembered the covenant.  
  • Give phrases from the following verses that describe God’s mercy: Isaiah 63:9; Micah 7:18; Habakkuk 3:2.
  • Now explain in your own words the possible symbolism of the rainbow encircling His throne in Heaven.

Proof of His Authority

  • Besides the rainbow, what else encircled the throne? Revelation 4:4.
  • Give one of the titles for Jesus that relates to this scene. Revelation 19:16.
  • Generally speaking, who do you think the 24 elders are? Matthew 20:20-23; 2 Timothy 2:11-12; Revelation 20:6. 
  • What do you think their white robes symbolize? Revelation 7:13-14; Isaiah 1:18.
  • How do the following verses encourage you? Revelation 2:26; 3:5, 21; 7:13-17.

Proof of His Activity

  • What words imply activity around the throne? Revelation 4:5.
  • Read 2 Samuel 22. Underline all the verbs, and give verse numbers, that imply the activity of God.
  • Since God cannot be less than Himself, and He is active, how does this encourage you when you pray?

Proof of His Purity

  • Who is represented by the blazing lamps? Revelation 4:5; 1:4-5; Luke 3:15-16; Acts 2:1-4.
  • What is implied by His Name? John 14:25; 16:8-11; 1 Peter 1:15.
  • What needs to be purged from your life so that you more clearly reflect the purity of the Holy Spirit? Malachi 3:2-3; Hebrews 9:22.


  • Where did the praise in the Throne Room of Heaven originate? Revelation 4:6 with 5:8-10.
  • Who are these living creatures? Genesis 3:24; Ezekiel 1:4-14; Psalm 103:19-20.
  • How often did the four living creatures praise Jesus? Revelation 4:8.
  • Since they do a lot of work in the Bible, yet “day and night never stop” praising Jesus, is this a contradiction? How is it possible to work and worship at the same time? Explain.
  • Who began praising Jesus when they heard the four living creatures praise Him? Revelation 4:9-11.
  • How did the praise become contagious? Revelation 5:11-12.
  • How far-reaching was the praise? Revelation 5:13.
  • What has interrupted, or even silenced, your praise?
  • Who is praising Jesus because you are?
  • What was the ultimate act of praise described in verse 10?
  • Relate this act to yourself. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. 
  • What crowns are available to a believer to lay at His feet? Philippians 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:19; 2 Timothy 4:8; James 1:12; 1 Peter 5:4; Revelation 2:10.
  • How is it possible to be saved and get into Heaven, but without a crown? 1 Corinthians 3:15; Revelation 3:11.
  • What crowns will you have to lay at His nail-pierced feet? What do you need to do today, or to start doing, so that you will not be bareheaded on that day?

One day Jesus will govern the world. And He is the only One who is worthy and able to govern your world. How accurately does your life reflect His government now? Does He govern on the throne of your heart in power? Is He encircled with proof of His mercy, activity, authority, and purity in the way you live your life? And while you pour yourself into His work, is He enveloped in praise, 24/7? ©2024 Anne Graham Lotz 

This article is adapted from a study that was originally published in June 2013.

Anne Graham Lotz has proclaimed God’s Word worldwide for more than 40 years. Her newest book, which she co-authored with her daughter Rachel-Ruth Wright, is Preparing to Meet Jesus—Moving From Salvation to Transformation. It can be ordered from major booksellers online.

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