Associate Evangelist Spotlight: RV Brown

From Africa to U.S. Military Base, 'I'm Ready to Preach'

Associate Evangelist Spotlight: RV Brown

From Africa to U.S. Military Base, 'I'm Ready to Preach'

If ever there was someone who embodied the term “evangelist” it’s BGEA’s Associate Evangelist RV Brown: “I’m ready to preach every minute of every day.”

After delivering two powerful Gospel messages at the maximum-security correctional institution in Green Bay, Wisc., BGEA associate evangelist RV Brown huddled with the prison chaplain. Together they rejoiced at how God had just worked in the lives of dozens of inmates.

But as Brown was preparing to leave, the sight of a female correctional officer running back toward the chapel startled the two men. Could she be responding to a possible disturbance? Brown wondered.

Her banging at the door heightened the tension. The chaplain opened the door and was greeted by the security guard.

“I think it’s time,” she told the chaplain. “I’m ready.”

At first surprised, then intrigued, the chaplain replied, “Ready for what?”

“I’m ready for Jesus,” the guard exclaimed.

The woman had witnessed the inmates’ amazing response to Brown’s evangelistic presentation, and she now wanted to give her life to the Savior.

“She heard the Gospel truth, saw those guys get saved, and she wanted to get saved, too,” Brown said, reflecting on this moving of the Spirit in mid-August during an offshoot outreach of BGEA’s Rock the Lakes ministry in Green Bay. “She ran back to catch us to make sure we hadn’t left yet. So glad she did because now she belongs to Jesus.”

August 2012 was busy for Brown in other ways. Earlier in the month, he addressed men and women stationed at Naval Base Kitsap in Bremerton, Wash., about 65 miles outside of Seattle. “How to Walk With God” was Brown’s topic, and out of the 375 service personnel who attended, 56 indicated decisions to follow Christ.

Brown closed out August by declaring the Good News at the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn. Nearly 300 cadets heard him preach on “Experiencing God’s Love,” and 44 responded to his invitation to commit their lives to the Lord.

Another 2012 highlight came in March when Brown had the privilege of preaching nine times in conjunction with Franklin Graham’s Festival outreach in Accra, Ghana. Brown presented the Gospel to prisoners, high school students and collegians—and dozens received Christ as Savior.

“I begin every morning in Bible study and prayer, asking God to open doors for me to talk about Jesus,” said Brown, a former high school special education teacher and football coach. Brown surrendered his life to Christ in 1977—five months after he was married to Frances Webster—and sensed God’s calling into full-time ministry in 1985. He’s been affiliated with BGEA since 2008.

“I’m ready to preach every minute of every day,” he added.

Not only does Brown herald the Gospel at formal Crusade events, he takes the time to share his faith personally.

Just before Christmas, he was driving to a media interview when he stopped in Lexington, S.C., to deliver some materials to Steve Fitts, the husband of a high school classmate that Brown had seen at their 40th reunion. Fitts told Brown that his company was holding its annual Christmas party and asked if he could tell the some 40 guests in attendance about Jesus. Brown didn’t hesitate. About 20 minutes later, eight people had prayed to receive Christ.

Back on the road toward his interview, Brown wept as he prayed: “God, why would you take a country boy like me and bless me with such a ministry? Thank You, Jesus!”

The New Year is shaping up to be full of promise—not only for BGEA-related events but also through his own ministry called Outreach to America’s Youth.

“I praise God for what He’s allowed me to accomplish and what He’ll continue to do, if I keep surrendering myself to Him,” Brown said.


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