Anne Graham Lotz Calls Women to Pray

Anne Graham Lotz Calls Women to Pray

“Our nation is in a mess,” said Anne Graham Lotz, acclaimed Bible teacher and daughter of Billy Graham. “Our health, our government, our political system, our freedom, our very republic seems to be under enemy assault.”

Lotz called on women to “Turn to Jesus,” praying simultaneously in their own homes for an hour on Sunday, May 31. Rather than gathering online, women simply cried out to God on their own—repenting of sin, interceding on behalf of our land and asking Him to shine the light of His glory into the darkness.

“The real enemy is not the Democrats or the Republicans, it’s not Russia or China, it’s not the virus or the economic meltdown—our real enemy is the devil—Satan—that old serpent who seeks to divide and destroy. Our real problem is sin, rebellion against God and defiance of Him. The real solution is turning away from our sin. Turning to Jesus. And asking Him to hear us, forgive us and heal us.”

Lotz pointed to three major areas of need to lift up in prayer: the collapsing world around us, the devastating virus and the disastrous economy. AnGeL Ministries released a written prayer Sunday evening that many women used as a guide. To see a complete list of prayer points and to request the written prayer, visit

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