Anglican Minister Warns About Progressivism in Churches

Anglican Minister Warns About Progressivism in Churches

A British Anglican minister and conservative commentator is making waves by stating that liberalism is the greatest threat to Christian churches and that the term “progressive Christian” is a contradiction in terms.

Calvin Robinson, an ordained deacon in the Free Church of England and a well-known commentator, made his remarks in an interview with Fox News Digital.

“Liberalism is the greatest threat to [Christianity] … because it’s one of the tools that the devil is using,” Robinson said.

He added: “The Christian faith is inherently conservative because it provides a set of values that are seen by the modern world as conservative—ideas such as marriage is between one man and one woman, that God made us male and female, and He made those different. We’re not equal in terms of being the same. We’re equal in terms of dignity and worth. But we are complementary and different for a purpose.”

He told the news outlet that among some Anglican and Catholic clergy and lay members in the U.K., as well as in many American churches, “neo-Marxist” ideas have taken root, leading people astray as a satanic tool to destroy the historic Christian faith.

Franklin Graham agreed, posting on Facebook: “Anglican deacon Calvin Robinson has this nailed! … This isn’t just about the Church of England, but it is impacting the church as a whole worldwide. Robinson said that you can either be a Christian or a progressive, but not both. I like this guy. He’s not afraid to speak up for truth. Pray for him today and let him know … that you stand in agreement.”

Photo: Calvin Robinson Facebook page

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