As we approach Election Day on Nov. 5, Christian citizens have a responsibility to vote for leaders whose views most closely align with God’s Word. The following pages outline the contrasting policies and track records of the presidential candidates and their parties. The differences are stark on virtually every issue, even causing concern among many observers that progressives might seek to steer the nation toward socialism and increased government control over the speech and actions of individuals, families, businesses and organizations. This issue of Decision also includes information about congressional and state races, and efforts by some to change the makeup of the nation’s judiciary. Most important, we present a fervent call to prayer and a reminder that no matter what happens in an election, our God reigns now and forever.
“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.”
“The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
—Winston Churchill

Photos: Kamala Harris, Public Domain; Donald Trump, Getty Images